Our Residing Monks
The Master Khamchom Keomany
Ven. Khamphaeng Bounsavanh
Ven. Bounma Sengchanh
Ven. Anan
Ven. Chanthaphone Keomany
Ven. Savivanh Soulinthone
Ven. Khamlar Seeamphai
Novice Phattana Soutthasee
Our Elected Board Members
2024 to 2026
Vatthana Thongmanivong - Assistant to Woman Affairs
Daolay Sivongsay - Chief Woman Affair
Peun Bannasingthong - 2nd Vice Chairman
Vilaysith Sanoubane - Chairman
Khamvong Sivongsay - 1st Vice Chairman
Khamphanh Khamphilavong - Assistant to Woman Affairs
Daongeun Siharath - Assistant to Finance Officer
Ounheuane Bouttarath - Mechanic
Somsouk Chang - Maintenance
Latvi (Chaiboon) Nguyen - Maintenance
Bounthone Sihamaya - Assistant to Wat Property
Vanpraseuth Sengsourigna - Chief Finance Officer
Phinith Pathoumthong - Master of Ceremony for Religious Rite
Aneck Phongsavanh - Electrician
He Tanthavong - Lao Lanexang Art Projects
Boupha Simmalavong - Media and Ceremony Decoration
Malixay Mckenzie - Secretary and Culture
Siath Pasitkhammanh - Monk Welfare
Viengtheb Vongphachanh - Project Assistance
Manivanh Simmalavong - MC
Oudone Sivongsay - Assistance to Woman Affair
and More
The name of the temple can be broken down as, "Wat" meaning temple in Laotian, "Lao" indicating the origin of the people and "Veluwanaram" being the name of the temple.
The monk council, together with members of the Laotian community, purchased the property in Caledon, Ontario in November 1997. From there, there were aspirations of creating a place of worship where the entire Laotian community could come together. The temple received its building permit in October 2003, and had their official opening ceremony on July 1st 2006.
The property in Caledon is a 73 acre lot that consists of the Sala that was completed on February 21st 2006 by the work of the volunteers that spent their weekends building this vision. Before the 3 years of construction, it took over 27 years of organizing and planning. This is the first Laotian Buddhist temple built in North America by traditional Laotian standards.
This building is more than just a place of worship for the community. It is home to the monks that have been sponsored directly from Laos. The duty of the monks preside over the religious ceremonies at the temple and service the Laotian-Canadian community across the Greater Toronto Area.
The board members and volunteers have invested many years of time and dedication. They created this with visions of it being a public temple where people can perform meritorious acts, a temple that offers meditation services, and a way to keep the Laotian culture alive in Canada.
The board members have hopes that many future generations of their own and others will be able enjoy the fruits of their labor. And continue to spread the high regards for harmony, culture, and dedication that Laotians believe in.
"There are no words to describe the tranquility and nirvana type serenity of this place. It has to be seen to be really appreciated."