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JULY 1ST 2007


The SALA is a pavilion used for ceremonies, feasts and sermons. During major Buddhist feasts, laymen and laywomen sit in the SALA in order to listen to the abbot's sermon.

July 1st, Canada Day, was chosen as the official opening day because it is considered Canada’s patriotic holiday. The notion of choosing this particular day as the grand opening of the Laotian Buddhist temple was to express gratitude of the Lao culture to thrive in a multicultural society that Canada allows. 

The opening ceremony was attended by Marolyn Morrison the Mayor of the Town of Caledon, Councilman Richard Paterak, Mark Frawley the Director of the Niagara Escarpment Commission, and the late Dr. Chris Cameron.

The Town of Caledon East was chosen as the haus of their efforts and vision because it allowed the capability to escape the busy day to day life style in the city.


Those allowing reflection and worship for those seeking enlightenment, as well as to be close to the natural world, much like Buddha himself came to enlightenment under the proverbial Fig Tree in Buddhist writings.

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